aku bukan nak mengutuk..tapi to show some respect to this man who barely can't speak English but he kind of man who don't give a damn shit to whatever people might think bout him...

from bangladesh if i'm not mistaken..he kind of man i-need-to-think-what's-the-word-in-english...cakap sebijik2...tapi aku tetap kopla jingga..aku tak fhm..uhuk!!

tapi die baik ler...nak marah2 tak sampai ati...tapi bgs gak kan.dahla tak pandai sgt speaking tapi berani dtg negara org just to learn..get some education and certificate or whatever.

isk, klu aku..maunya angkut kamus merata..takut org tak faham aku and the worst things aku yg tak fhm apa org kata...huhuhu

tadik mamat ni mintak tlg aku solve problem die..ada la satu document ni bhs tungging terbalik..die tak tau nak wat macam mana..die kata die scan the document, then convert into M.Words..suddenly most of the words became chaos...haru biru..yg kuar words yang tak pernah wujud kat muka bumi ni...pada zaman batu pon tidak!!! neolitik, peleolotik tidak sama sekali....politik maybe sebab aku tak pernah faham politik!! ngeeeeeeeeeee.....

then aku mintak la the original copy.."can i have the original copy of the file and let me check"..

bangla man: "owh, the original copy NAHE!!!!"

apa nahe-nahe???!!!....ko ingat kening aku sama tebal ngan kening ko, ko leh nahe-nahe ngan aku??...

ko nasib baik je jang aku ni hantu hindustan..setakat NAHE, KEYA, ACHAA, NAMASTE...aku passsssssss la...

klu ko hentam speaking bhs BOMBAYstick ko..mmg aku sedekah kamus kat ko..balik study!!

tapi wa respect sama lu la.....tu la nak blajar jgn malu2....uhuk!!